Vital Corporate Solutions in Dubai is a Money Mule

Scam Alert

Vital Corporate Solutions in Dubai is a Money Mule

Vital Corporate Solutions in Dubai is a Money Mule 300 233 Safe or Scam Support

Vital Corporate Solutions in Dubai is a Money Mule company assisting fraudsters in stealing money from members of the public.

Safe Or Scam will shortly be publishing a new page showing bank account names, account numbers and sort codes suspected of being involved in scams, dishonest investments or follow-on frauds. The aim of the page will be to warn the general public that these accounts and the people behind them have been involved in known scams and they should be very wary of paying any money into those bank accounts. The first one on the list is given below.

Follow-on frauds are cases where a person has been the victim of a scam and is then contacted by another organisation claiming that they have been able to sell their investment, or have buyers ready to purchase, or have been appointed by a liquidator. In every case they will ask the victim to pay money upfront to release the funds that they claim to hold.

Money mules are people or companies who collect money on behalf of the scammers. They act as a cut-out to prevent victims from finding out the final recipient of their funds. They are rewarded handsomely for their part in the scam. In our view they are an integral part of the scam and are fair game when they come under our spotlight. In some cases they may be innocent parties whose details may have been cloned so we approach those parties in a respectful way requesting clarification. Innocent parties are always happy to help. If they are not willing to help that speaks volumes and is a sign that they were involved in the scam.

One recent party we contacted was Vital Corporate Solutions based in Dubai. The following bank account was used in a scam we are investigating:

Bank Name: ADCB Bank

Account Name: Vital Corporate Solutions

Account Number: 714368348001

IBAN: AE670030000714368348001

We wrote to the owner of the company – Ms Amanda Perry. The tone of our letter was very polite. Here are some extracts:

“You would appear from your website to be honest people running an honest business. We are therefore contacting you on the assumption that you would genuinely wish to help a person who has been the victim of a scam”.

“Firstly, we would like to ask you to confirm that this bank account does (or did) belong to you. It is quite possible that the party responsible has used your company name in order to throw our client off the scent.

Secondly, if the account does (or did) belong to you, please can you provide a skype address so that we can speak with you on a strictly confidential basis”.

Ms Perry did not respond to our email. We sent a second email. Here are some extracts:

The answer to my enquiry is very simple. It is “Yes, that is (was) our bank account” or “No, that is not (was not) our bank account”.

….we take a simplistic view of situation like this. You are either supporting the victims or you are supporting the fraudsters”.

Ms Perry did not respond to our second email so we assume she has taken the decision to support the fraudsters.

We sent her a third email. Here are some extracts:

“Dear Ms Perry,

On the basis that you have not responded to enquiries about a bank account used in a fraud we have changed our opinion of your company and now believe that your company plays an important role in assisting fraudsters.

We [intend (our shortening)] to publish our emails to you, your responses to those emails (as yet no response), our explanation on how money mule companies work i.e by providing their bank accounts for fraudsters to use, acting to frustrate fraud victims from recovering funds and being well very rewarded for providing these services. We will also undertake a full review of your website and the people involved.

Our investigations, blogs and websites are in the public interest because exposing fraud and the people associated with fraud is important in warning and protecting the general public.

We will write to you in advance of each article to give you an opportunity to correct any errors. We are also happy to adopt a balanced approach and publish your version of events”.

The entire contents of this article was forwarded to Ms Perry to allow her to comment and to correct any errors or false statements prior to its publishing. She has chosen not to comment. 

We have downloaded the pages of the Vital Corporate Solutions website and will be publishing extracts in future articles. We warn potential clients of Vital Corporate Solutions to be on their guard against the theft of their money. Vital Corporate Solutions in Dubai is a money mule.

We are very aggressive in our approach to known money mules. They are parties to a scam and if they will not co-operate we will seek to recover our client’s total loss from the assets of the money mule. We will be focused on recovering a very large sum of money from Ms Amanda Perry and any other person at her firm who assisted the fraud in any way.

We would like to hear from anyone who has had any interaction or business transaction with Vital Corporate Solutions based in Dubai.

To view the next article on Vital Corporate Solutions please click here.


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