Simon Whittley-Ryan Legal Action Starts


Simon Whittley-Ryan Legal Action Starts

Simon Whittley-Ryan Legal Action Starts 300 200 SOS Team

Simon Whittley-Ryan Legal Action Starts.

Simon Whittley-Ryan is a scammer we have been investigating for more than five years. During this period he威而鋼
has established a litany of failed scam companies. Here are links to some of the articles we have written about him and his scam ventures:

Private Placement Platform Scam – LINK;

Green Swan Holding Ltd Bond – LINK;

St Helier Capital Management Ltd – LINK;

Cambridge Medical Screening Ltd – Coronavirus Scam – LINK.

There are other scams he has established so these are just a snapshot.

Simon Whittley-Ryan has raised money from the general public on each occasion and his scam offerings have included investments in UK and Ireland properties, yacht brokering, establishing a new airline, hotels in the Caribbean, covid-related vaccines, anaerobic digestion / renewable energy, private placement platforms and others. Every venture has resulted in investor losses and the complete absence of any assets owned by any of the companies. That’s not to say that Simon Whittley-Ryan doesn’t have assets himself. He may well have squirrelled away some of the investors’ money into accounts that nobody is aware of. We have had reports of bank accounts in Switzerland and the Caribbean.

Mr Whittley-Ryan sometimes goes by the name of Simon Whittley or Simon Ryan. We’ve also been informed lately that he has been using another name entirely.

In January 2020, Win River Developments Ltd, one of Simon Whittley-Ryan’s companies, was wound up by an investor who had invested £140,000 with the company.  For three and a half years Simon Whittley-Ryan frustrated the efforts of the appointed liquidation firm to obtain the company records. That was brought to an end in June 2023 when the High Court finally issued a Court Order compelling Mr Whittley-Ryan to hand over the records or face imprisonment. The Judge also ordered Mr Whittley-Ryan to pay the legal costs of the liquidator which after three and a half years of effort is likely to be a considerable sum.

We have now been informed that Mr Whittley-Ryan has left his large rented residence at Brockingbury Stud, Saffron Walden, Essex.  This residence included land and stabling and was where his wife established her equestrian business. Our enquiries have revealed Mrs Whittley-Ryan received regular payments from Simon Whittley-Ryan’s scam companies. Brockingbury Stud was also refurbished with a new kitchen and furniture using investors’ money. Mr Whittley-Ryan’s plan was for one of his companies to use investors’ money to buy Brockingbury Stud.

We now believe we have uncovered enough evidence to give Win River Developments investors a fighting chance of recovering something from the investment. We have never stopped investigating the company and have finally got to the bottom of how this fraud was perpetrated. Whilst most WRD investors believed there was only one Information Memorandum in existence there were in fact five different IMs, each with differing terms and conditions, including different bank accounts for newly acquired investors to send their money to. It is now absolutely clear that Simon Whittley-Ryan was perpetrating a fraud upon investors from the very beginning.

A no-win no-fee legal action has been started by a UK solicitor. Simon Whittley-Ryan, a scammer who has been operating for almost ten years through a multitude of different scam companies, is finally going to be held to account. We will continue to investigate to acquire more evidence and look forward to reporting on progress.

Simon Whittley-Ryan Legal Action Starts.


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