Safe Or Scam Bigger Than Wikipedia

Safe Or Scam Bigger Than Wikipedia

Safe Or Scam Bigger Than Wikipedia 350 225 SOS Team

Safe Or Scam Bigger Than Wikipedia.

I know what you’re thinking. That can’t possibly be right. Well, we have to tell you that for a while we were 30 times more popular than Wikipedia. That’s if you measure popularity based on website page hits.

Some followers may have noticed that we went quiet for some time on our blog page. This was because our website was subjected to a DDOS attack (Direct Denial Of Service). We don’t know what it means either, but in simple terms hackers attempt to overload the website servers with so many page requests that the servers just give up and dump the website. This didn’t happen to us for five minutes. In our case it lasted for weeks and we couldn’t do anything on the website.

We know we upset scammers by exposing them but this attack was absolutely huge and it cost someone a lot of money. Either they were desperate to take down our website because of an article we had written or hackers got us confused with someone else. Our web management team advised that most of the hits originated from Russia. Here are some of the emails we received from our web team over the weeks:

Email 1
Blimey, who did you p off! 😮
This DDOS attack is insane!
11 million requests an hour being blocked by [company name redacted].
There’s some money being put behind this.
Email 2
It’s insane.
The stricter we make the firewall rules the more they ramp it up. There’s some serious money being thrown at this – even [company name redacted] are holding their hands up they can hold out against this volume.
67 million requests an hour now. You officially have 30x the traffic of wikipedia.
They’ll run out of steam/money soon enough.
Email 3 after we asked if they could trace where it’s coming from.
Worldwide – Thousands of IP addresses.
Map attached. [The map showed that Russia was the top location followed by Pakistan and then Indonesia].
This will be someone paying a hacking group to do it. They’re using a botnet to do the attack – hacked websites, and PCs, etc. The people actually doing the attack won’t even know they’re doing it, their machines will be doing it in the background.
The attack eventually wound down after a few weeks, but we can proudly claim that for a time SOS was 30 times more popular than Wikipedia !
Safe Or Scam Bigger Than Wikipedia.

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