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Scam Alert

Liberty Capital Markets Scam

Liberty Capital Markets Scam 300 233 SOS Team

Liberty Capital Markets Scam. A group of scammers operating under the name of Liberty Capital Markets is operating a follow-on-fraud on victims of investment scams.  In this example the people…

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Merydion Hotels Scam

Merydion Hotels Scam 500 333 SOS Team

Merydion Hotels Scam Earlier this week, investors in the four Merydion hotels scams (the Northop Hall Country House Hotel, The Belgrave Hotel in Chester, the Durker Roods Hotel in Meltham,…

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Lee Bramzell’s Festival Hotels Group

Lee Bramzell’s Festival Hotels Group 450 676 SOS Team

Lee Bramzell’s Festival Hotels Group. In December 2020, Nick Carlile and Lee Bramzell both issued their Individual Voluntary Arrangement (“IVA”) proposals to their creditors.  The purpose of an IVA is…

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Scam Alert

Everest Trade BVBA Scam

Everest Trade BVBA Scam 300 233 SOS Team

Everest Trade BVBA Scam. An organisation calling itself Everest Trade BVBA is perpetrating a follow-on-fraud against the investor victims of the Essex and London scam.  This follow-on-fraud uses the name…

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Scam Alert

Kingsgate Insolvency Services Scam

Kingsgate Insolvency Services Scam 300 233 SOS Team

Kingsgate Insolvency Services Scam. An organisation calling itself Kingsgate Insolvency Services Ltd is carrying out a follow-on-fraud against victims of the Essex and London Properties scam. Essex and London Properties…

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Farewell to Bondreview – The Investor Champion

Farewell to Bondreview – The Investor Champion 350 329 SOS Team

Farewell to Bondreview – The Investor Champion. We were very sorry to hear of the closure of the ground-breaking bondreview website [LINK HERE].  We have spoken to ‘Brev’ (the person…

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Scam Alert

Aemilius Cupero Scam

Aemilius Cupero Scam 300 233 SOS Team

Aemilius Cupero Scam Aemilius Cupero is running a follow-on-fraud targeting victims of binary option scams and the Pacific Tycoon shipping container scam.  A follow-on-fraud is also known as a Recovery…

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Scam Alert

Alastair Dobbie and Gian Luca Fetta

Alastair Dobbie and Gian Luca Fetta 300 233 SOS Team

Alastair Dobbie and Gian Luca Fetta Many thanks to those people who sent us the email written by Gian Luca Fetta, one of the members of the Alastair Dobbie Investor…

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Scam Alert

ART Escrow Scam

ART Escrow Scam 300 233 SOS Team

ART Escrow Scam. We received notification from an investor in Westway Holdings Ltd that he had been approached to pay money to the ART Escrow scam. He was asked to…

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Scam Alert

Alastair Dobbie Investor Co-Ordinator Scam

Alastair Dobbie Investor Co-Ordinator Scam 300 233 SOS Team

Alastair Dobbie Investor Co-Ordinator Scam. First a quick note to say we received a copy of Nico Bruyniks’ comparison of legal actions.  It’s designed to rubbish the legal actions we…

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