European Property Coin – Update

European Property Coin – Update

European Property Coin – Update 150 150 Safe or Scam Support

Safe Or Scam has assisted investors with the first steps in a legal process against Clear View Marketing Services Ltd, the company behind the bogus digital currency called European Property Coin.

The company failed to respond to a legal claim within the statutory response period and our investor clients will now proceed to court.

On 21st December 2018 we received a letter from a solicitor representing Mr Yasir Gul of G. and S. Accountants Ltd. The letter alleges that comments we have made about Mr Yasir Gul have affected his business. He denies having received our letter sent in February 2018. That’s odd because we also sent it by email to his email address at [email protected] and we spoke to him on the phone about it. He told us at the time that his solicitor would deal with it.

To recap, our letter to Mr Gul asked him about the role of his company, Know Tax (High Wycombe) Ltd, which acted as the money collector for European Property Coin. We received no reply so we called him. He said his solicitor would be in touch. Well…… 9 months later his solicitor has now got in touch but it isn’t to answer our questions about Mr Gul’s involvement in European Property Coin, the scam which has taken in more than £1 million from ordinary members of the public. It was to ask us to remove comments made about Mr Yasir Gul. Unfortunately we cannot do that because he is party to a scam operation and is keeping his head down. If he wants us to remove information about him he should be more willing to co-operate. It is worth noting that at no time have we ever received any legal threats from European Property Coin despite repeatedly calling the product an outright scam. They know it’s a scam and they’re using fake names which is why they can’t go to a lawyer.

Since our contact in February, Mr Yasir Gul dissolved the company Know Tax (High Wycombe) Ltd in July 2018. He may think that means he doesn’t have to answer our questions. He may also think that instructing a solicitor will prevent us from mentioning him again in connection with his role in this scam. Well, as this new article shows, we have no intention of letting him get away with it. We have a clear strategy to expose European Property Coin and the people involved with it. Once we have accomplished that we will be turning our attention back onto Mr Yasir Gul.

In our letter of 23rd February 2018 we made things very clear to Mr Yasir Gul. In our final sentence. We wrote “We hope you are willing to assist because we take a very simple view when it comes to scams. People are either on the side of the victims or they are on the side of the scam operator.’

We recently changed the hosting arrangement for the website we published on this matter. We have now reinstated it and over the next few weeks we will be posting information back up. The website can be accessed by clicking on this link.

To view the previous blog comment on European Property Coin and Clear View Marketing Services Ltd click here.

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